Structural Engineers Wanted

What would your life look like if you could get paid more and stressed less? What if you had the freedom to take time off whenever you decided? How great would it be to never worry about a layoff or deal with office politics? What if that morning and evening commute became a memory? What if you had time to do what you love? 

Give yourself the opportunity to have what you want. Just contact us – our formula has worked for us and it can work for you.

When your work involves meeting with others and serving them, the whole process is more rewarding. When people hand you a generous check and thank you sincerely, life gets rewarding. When you can see who you’re helping, it’s just fun. And when you can help people save tens of thousands, you’re a hero. That’s when it’s great to read your reviews and know that you’re making a difference to yourself, your family and your community.

We help structural engineers do business in a unique way. You’ll leave the office, you’ll meet people and solve problems. You’ll make a difference and based on our experience, you’ll make a much better income. Join us!

What fits you best?

The 1099 route

Be your own boss

Own it

You can always just be our employee. We’ll gather leads for you and send them to you. You do the work and we split the proceeds 50/50. As a 1099 contractor, you still make great money, but it’s not as good as the options on the right. 

As a 1099, we’ll develop the area you’re in and spoon feed you. We’ll still own the area and contact you as needed. You’ll get paid quickly after the reports are submitted. Hourly pay levels for this work can be expected around $100/hour. It’s not bad at all compared to what most of us SE’s are used to. 

Frankly, this is the worst deal for you, but if you want to be cautious, this might be your choice.

We call this one the easy entry plan. The split is 70/30 in your favor – much better than the 1099 route. We do everything we can from our end and give you all you need to develop the area. 

Compared to the 1099, this is a no brainer. Both are $0 to get started but this one has a much better split. 

The best part of this plan is the franchise fee amount. It’s $0. Nothing. It’s like owning a franchise without having to invest in a franchise. Why would we do that? Because you’re sharing a bigger split with us. 

If you’re looking for a catch, here it is: We still own the territory under this scenario. If you don’t perform (show up late, show up rude, etc) we can replace you. We need people who carry our flag well. 

If you’re ready maximize your career and life, here’s what we call the 20/20 plan. Many relatively inexpensive franchises cost $50k to get the rights and another $300k for buildout. This one costs you much less to start and only a few thousand to get what you need to start. And this franchise makes more money. 

Here it is: $20k gets you started, and we often make more than that in a month. We train you and give you all the tools you need to succeed. We provide one-on-one guidance based on your skills and market. The split is 80/20 in your favor and your hourly equivalent will often exceed $200/hour – even if you’re paying yourself for drive time. 

Oh – you own the territory. We’re committed to make sure you succeed, because your success reflects on us. Which will you choose? We think it’s pretty straightforward. 

 We get it. You’re an engineer. You want to calculate, but analysis paralysis just keeps you where you are. Contact us and we’ll talk you through your questions.